Curated lists and reviews of the best in the South Bay

Local points of interest, events, schools, restaurants, services, businesses and many other top places of the South Bay lifestyle. Click on the map below for our reviews or scroll down for reviews by community or topic.

  • At Scherb Home Realtors, we are local experts in the South Bay. As members of the community, we have intimate knowledge of the area and can provide valuable insights to potential home buyers. We are often seen out and about, exploring and familiarizing ourselves with every nook and cranny of each neighborhood. This dedication to our community allows us to curate this comprehensive Google map with information a buyer could need to make the best decision about where to live. Whether you're looking for the best schools, neighborhoods, or the most convenient location, Scherb Home Realtors have the knowledge and expertise to help you find the perfect home.



Call or text us anytime to learn more about recent market trends, or a free home valuation. Call (646)-812-0654.