📢 OUR STORY: Advocating for Harmony Between Community and Torrance Airport

As a concerned resident of Valmonte, much transpired in the past year that demanded our attention and action. The delicate balance between the City-owned municipal airport and our communities is at stake, and it's time for us to stand together.

Introducing the **Coalition for Torrance Airport Reform (COTAR)**, a civic coalition born from the voices of approximately 1,000 residents who, just last year, signed a petition urging the Torrance City Council to address the pressing issues stemming from current flight school operations at the airport.

“Our primary focus revolves around safety, noise, and lead pollution concerns that have surfaced due to ongoing airport operations. Despite the petition, these issues remain unaddressed, prompting COTAR to take organized action. Our goal is clear: to restore the traditional harmony between the airport and our neighborhoods.”

While the July 25, 2023, Torrance City Council meeting has come and gone, our commitment to this cause remains unwavering. COTAR has diligently studied the intricacies of the problems at hand and continues to work towards influencing change.

📍 **Stay updated: Visit the COTAR website to learn about COTAR's latest initiatives and recommendations.**

COTAR is committed to this cause, advocating tirelessly until our community once again thrives in a peaceful and balanced environment. Join us in this crucial movement.

Let's unite for a Valmonte where our quality of life is preserved, and the harmony between our community and the airport is restored. Together, we can make a difference.
