Accessory Dwelling Units - Palos Verdes Estates

If you're a homeowner in Palos Verdes Estates and are looking to add an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) to your property, you're in luck. ADUs, also known as granny flats or in-law units, are becoming increasingly popular in the area as a way to add extra living space or rental income.

But before you dive into the process of adding an ADU to your property, it's important to understand the benefits and challenges of doing so.

First, let's talk about why ADUs are becoming more common in Palos Verdes Estates. One reason is that they provide a flexible living arrangement for families with aging parents or adult children who need a place to live. ADUs can also be used as a rental property, providing extra income for homeowners. And with the high cost of housing in California, ADUs can also be a more affordable option for people looking to buy a home.

The city and state of California are generally supportive of ADUs as a way to increase housing options and affordability. In recent years, the state has made it easier for homeowners to build ADUs by streamlining the permitting process and reducing fees.

So, what are the benefits of adding an ADU to your home in Palos Verdes Estates? For homeowners looking to sell their property, an ADU can be a selling point. It can increase the value of your home and make it more attractive to potential buyers. For homeowners who decide to keep their ADU and rent it out, it can provide a steady stream of income.

However, the process of building an ADU in Palos Verdes Estates is not without its challenges. One of the hardest parts is navigating the permitting process, which can be time-consuming and confusing. It's important to familiarize yourself with the city's requirements and to work with an experienced contractor to ensure that your ADU is built to code.

If you're ready to take the plunge and build an ADU in Palos Verdes Estates, here are the steps you'll need to follow:

  1. Determine the size and location of your ADU. The city has specific guidelines on the size and location of ADUs, so it's important to check with the Planning Department before you start building.

  2. Get your plans approved. You'll need to submit detailed plans for your ADU to the Planning Department for review. This includes drawings of the floor plan, elevations, and site plan.

  3. Apply for a building permit. Once your plans are approved, you'll need to apply for a building permit from the Building and Safety Division. This will include paying fees and submitting additional documents, such as a grading plan and electrical plans.

  4. Start building. Once you have your building permit, you can start construction on your ADU. It's important to work with a licensed contractor and to follow all city and state building codes.

  5. Get final inspection and approval. Once construction is complete, you'll need to schedule a final inspection with the Building and Safety Division to make sure your ADU meets all city and state codes. Once it passes inspection, you'll receive a certificate of occupancy, which allows you to use your ADU.

  • Building an ADU in Palos Verdes Estates can be a rewarding project, but it's important to be prepared for the challenges that may come with it. By familiarizing yourself with the city's requirements and working with an experienced contractor, you can ensure that your ADU is built to code and is a valuable addition to your property.